Press Release


Summit County Engineer’s Office Reports Suspicious Package Discovery by Bridge Crew Under I-77 Overpass

Aug 6, 2024 - Akron, OH

This morning two members of the Summit County Engineer’s Office Bridge Crew, Jeremiah Stonestreet and Jamie Lee, were enroute to a jobsite when they noticed a suspicious package located beneath the bridge on Main Street under the I-76/I-77 overpass in Akron.

Stonestreet and Lee reported the package to local authorities immediately after the discovery.  The bridge in question is not maintained by the Summit County Engineer’s Office but falls under the jurisdiction of the City of Akron and the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).

Akron Police, Fire, and Bomb Squad were dispatched to the scene to investigate where, as a precautionary measure, a portion of Interstate 76/I-77, Main Street, and off-ramps were closed to ensure public safety.

Summit County Engineer Alan Brubaker, P.E., P.S., praised the vigilance of the crew members, stating that, “Jeremiah Stonestreet and Jamie Lee were doing what they were trained to do and ensure the safety of our bridges, regardless of who owns or maintains them. Their quick actions demonstrate the high level of dedication and commitment our staff has to public safety. I am extremely proud of them and the work that they do out in our community.”

The situation was resolved without incident thanks to the efforts of the City of Akron’s First Responders, and all affected roads were reopened after the authorities deemed the area safe. The Summit County Engineer’s Office remains committed to our mission of “ensuring a safe and efficient transportation system” and ask that if residents see something suspicious, report it.

Jeremiah and Jamie