Press Release


Valley View Road Resurfacing

Now Accepting Comments

Aug 16, 2023 - Northfield Center Township & Sagamore Hills Township

The Summit County Engineer’s Office, in partnership with The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), is proposing to resurface Valley View Road in Northfield Center Township and Sagamore Hills Township Summit County, Ohio. The resurfacing will begin approximately 400-feet west of Olde 8 in Northfield Center Township and end at Dunham Road in Sagamore Hills Township. Construction is tentatively scheduled for 2027 but may be advanced if funding becomes available sooner.

The roadway will be resurfaced and widened, where necessary, to provide 11-feet wide lanes and 4-feet wide shoulders where practical. The project length is approximately 1.46 miles. In addition, the intersection of Valley View Road and North Boyden Road will be reconfigured to provide a dedicated left turn lane from west bound Valley View Road onto N. Boyden Road, and a combined westbound/thru lane for the rest of the traffic.

The road will remain open during construction. Access shall be maintained to all adjacent properties for the duration of the project. Substantial traffic disruptions are not expected with the project.

The project will not result in any substantial impacts to environmental resources. The Summit County Engineer’s Office is requesting that any comments you may have regarding the proposed project and/or environmental impacts be submitted by 09/16/2023 to Joseph Paradise, P.E., Deputy Director of Engineering, 538 East South Street Akron, OH 44311, (330) 643-8105, or

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability.  A summary of public comments received during the comment period and responses to those comments will be prepared and posted within 30 days of the end of the comment period.