Surface Water Management District

ERU Credit Form

Fields marked with an * asterisk are required.

Parcel Owner
Contact Info
Description *

Please describe the Private Runoff Control Measure that is present on the parcel, and describe the measurable benefit to Surface Water management and/or control. Acceptable measures reduce flooding and/or improve water quality. The Applicant must provide calculations and/or other documentation to substantiate the claim. The County Engineer will review the application and calculate the ERU credit in accordance with 942.09.

Supporting Documents

Supporting Images

For images, please upload .JPG, .PNG, .GIF only:

Upload Image 1:

Upload Image 2:

Upload Image 3:

Supporting Files

For files, please upload .PDF, .DOC, .XLS only. If you have more than three files, you can zip them up and upload a single zip file

Upload Supporting Document 1:

Upload Supporting Documents 2:

Upload Supporting Documents 3:

Digital Signature *
by clicking here I am guaranteeing that all information and documentation provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Contact the Stormwater District

Phone: 330-643-8010
Online Form
Office Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays
Office Location: 538 East South St., Akron, OH 44311