Cleve Mass at Ghent Shop Drawing

Price List for Residential Services

Many of our road records and maps are available in hard copy form or in digital form. Please see the price list for hard copys and information for electronic versions below. (When purchasing a record/map in hard copy form, Checks can be made out to "SUMMIT COUNTY ENGINEER". If paying in cash, please try to bring exact change.)

To reach the Survey Department contact (330)643-8727.

Pricing for hard copies

Regular Copies:

  • (8.5 x 11) or (8.5 x 14) = $0.10 per B&W copy / $0.50 per Color copy
  • (11 x 17) = $0.50 per B&W copy / $1.00 per Color copy
  • (18 x 24) = $3.00 per B&W copy / $4.00 per Color copy
  • (24 x 36) = $5.00 per B&W copy / $6.00 per Color copy

Aerial Maps:

  • 18 x 24: B/W - $3 per copy, Color - $4 per copy
  • 22 x 24: B/W - $4 per copy, Color - $5 per copy
  • 24 x 36: B/W - $5 per copy, Color - $6 per copy
  • 40 x 40: B/W - $6 per copy, Color - $7 per copy

Custom GIS Maps: $45.00 per hour Standard GIS Topo & Orthophotos. No charge for digital data (request filled as workload permits). The Summit County GIS Data DVD: (ESRI Shapefile, GIF, DXF and Mr. Sid formats) - This data will primarily be of interest to consultants who have the software to view/manipulate the data. The prices are as follows:

  • CD-ROM $6.00 each
  • DVD $12.00 each

Other GIS data is available on disk: see "Resources>>ArcGIS"

State of Ohio Maps: Free

Road and Survey Records:

  • 8.5 x 11 - $0.10 per copy
  • 11 x 17 - $0.50 per copy
  • 18 x 24 - $3.00 per copy
  • 24 x 36 - $5.00 per copy

Online Resources

  • Survey records can be found using the "Summit County Engineer Survey Documents Finder" below.
  • Subdivision plats and improvements plans can be found using the "Summit County Engineer Subdivision Document Finder" below.
  • Road records can be found using the "Summit County Engineer Road Records Finder" below.

Request a map of Summit County

As a service to the residents of Summit County, the Summit County Engineer's Office will provide a complimentary map of Summit County upon request. For larger requests of 25 or more maps, please visit the Main Office (538 East South Street, Akron) to pick them up in person. Certain exceptions may apply for government and charitable organizations, please contact our office for more information.

To order a map or maps, visit our "Contact Us" page below.