Funding Check for the High Level

Services for Residents

The Summit County Engineer’s Office serves the 542,000 residents of Summit County by maintaining and improving critical infrastructure to ensure safe and efficient travel. From providing maps to residents to inspecting and repairing bridges, to plowing snow and managing roadway maintenance, the office plays a vital role in keeping transportation networks operational.

Request a map of Summit County

As a service to the residents of Summit County, the Summit County Engineer's Office will provide a complimentary map of Summit County upon request. For larger requests of 25 or more maps, please visit the Main Office (538 East South Street, Akron) to pick them up in person. Certain exceptions may apply for government and charitable organizations, please contact our office for more information.

To order a map or maps, visit our "Contact Us" page below.

Request Information

We maintain extensive records for roads, land surveys, bridges, and drainage ditches, with road records dating back to the 1840s.

Records We Keep:

  • Road records for all county and township roads from 1840 to present
  • Road plans for all county and township roads from 1909 to present
  • Road dedication plats
  • Records of all work performed by county survey crews from 1909 to present
  • Subdivision lot splits from 1980 to present
  • Allotment plats from 1960 to present, and improvement plans from 1983 to present
  • Ditch and drainage records from 1872 to 1966

Maps We Keep:

  • Summit County Highway map from 1934 to present
  • Official county highway maps from 1924 to present
  • Township maps, original surveys, and township road maps
  • Bridge and culvert maps, annexation maps
  • Maps from all of Ohio's 88 counties

If you’d like to request hard copies of these documents, please visit our price list page below. You can also find maps and parcel information online through the Summit County GIS portal below.

Driveway Permits

Driveway permits, also referred to as roadway opening permits, are required for any work conducted within the County right-of-way. To apply, download the form from our resident forms page, complete it, and mail it to Summit County Engineer, Attn: Permits Coordinator, 538 East South Street, Akron, OH 44311, or email it to If you have any questions, please contact our Permits Coordinator at 330-643-8711.

Who do I contact?

You can use our "Contact Us" feature below to reach out with any questions here at this office.

We’ve also included a "Who to Contact" document on our FAQs page, which provides information on contacting other agencies that may be able to assist you. Additionally, our FAQs section covers topics such as surveying your property, what to do when new development adds stormwater to your property, and more.