Construction : Cleveland-Massillon Road Resurfacing Project, Phases I and II
Jul 11, 2023
Project ID:
Copley Township
Project Contacts:
Sam Ross, PE
Plan Year:
03-01-2023 - 11-30-2023
SCE has secured federal funding for the resurfacing of two sections of Cleveland-Massillon Road. In order to save time and money, we will bid and then construct the projects at the same time.
Phase I: Work includes pavement repairs, shoulder restoration and resurfacing, and pavement markings on 1.77 miles of Cleveland Massillon Road from the Norton line to 0.1 miles north of Minor Road. Located north of Brenner Road and south of Stimson Road there is a 600 foot long section of Cleveland-Massillon Road that is located between two high walls of rock cut that start immediately behind the existing curbs. Pedestrians in this area are forced to walk in the street through this corridor. This project will provide a 6 foot wide area behind the curb for use by pedestrians. Construction estimate for this section is $1.1 million.
Phase II: Work includes pavement repairs, shoulder restoration and resurfacing, and pavement markings on 1.8 miles Cleveland Massillon Road from .4 miles north of Minor to just south of E. Ridgewood Road. Construction estimate for this section is $1.17 million.
Kenmore Construction Co., Inc. has the construction contract for this project and construction is underway. The road closure began June 26, 2023 for widening work at the location of the rock cut with work nearly complete. Paving in the Part II section of the project has also begun.

Maintenance of Traffic:
Maintenance of traffic plans for Cleveland-Massillon Phase I, which includes the 30-day closure of the rock cut area, are attached below.
- Cleve Mass Part 1 Schematic (PDF, 1907.5k)
- Cleve Mass Part 1 Title Sheet PDF (PDF, 529.2k)
- Cleve Mass Part 2 Title Sheet (PDF, 162.1k)
- Cleve Mass Road Part 1 MOT Plan Page 1 (PDF, 413.5k)
- Cleve Mass Road Part 1 MOT Plan Page 2 (PDF, 395.1k)