Construction : Granger Road Bridge (079-0221) Bridge Replacement Project
Nov 12, 2024
Project ID:
Bath Township
Project Contacts:
Chuck Hauber, NCM, PE
Design Consultant:
Plan Year:
04-28-2024 - 10-15-2024
Construction Starts:
Jul 8, 2024
The current bridge was originally built in 1913 and received a new superstructure in 1972. The single span 65 foot long, 24 foot wide bridge will be replaced with a 87 foot long, 32 foot wide, concrete structure for vehicular traffic with wider shoulders. This project will be primarily funded with Local Bridge Program grant money.
Due to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, this project was moved from construction in 2025 to construction in 2024, as well as now being primarily funded with federal dollars.
Kenmore Construction Co., Inc. was awarded the bid for this project.
- 03/05/2024: Waiting on First Energy to relocate power lines
- 03/19/2024: First Energy is set to start in April.
- 04/09/2024: First energy is in the process of relocating poles.
- 04/16/2024: First energy is finishing up relocating poles.
- 04/23/2024: First Energy still has one pole to move. Cable company is also in the process of moving their lines.
- 06/04/2024: First Energy pole has been moved and two cable lines need moved.
- 06/25/2024: Phone line to be removed by July 5th. Weather permiting Kenmore has scheduled start of construction for 07/08/2024.
- 07/09/2024: Road was closed a demolition of old structure is underway
- 07/16/2024: Contractor is finishing up bridge demolition.
- 07/23/2024: Contractor installed erosion controll and started to to drive piles
- 07/30/2024: Piles are still being driven
- 08/13/2024: Contractor is working on rear abutment wall forms. Aditional piles have been delivered to site and have been unloaded to be driven.
- 08/20/2024: Excavated for forward abutment piles and will be starting piles tomorrow
- 08/27/2024: Working on forms for forward abutments. Steel is delivered and on site. Rear Abutments are already poured.
- 09/03/2024: Contractor plans on setting beams on Sept 16th 2024 (weather permitting)
- 09/17/2024: Kenmore set beams yesterday (09/16/2024) and will be drilling dowel rods today
- 09/24/2024: Forming being made for deck pour
- 10/01/2024: Contractor has been scheduled for Monday (10/07/2024) weather permitting
- 10/15/2024: Deck has been poured and guardrail is up
- 10/22/2024: Contractor is currently cleaning up and removing forms from site.
- 10/29/2024: Contractor will be installing pavement by the end of the week.
- 11/05/2024: Pavement has been installed. Kenmore will be groving the bridge deck and will begin guardrail installation.
- 11/12/2024: Guardrail has been installed by contractor.

Maintenance of Traffic:
The detour will be posted using the following roads; Cleveland Massillon Road, Bath Road, N. Hametown Road, and Granger Rd. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained during this work.