Completed : NOW OPEN: Steels Corners Bridge Rehabilitation
Nov 19, 2024
Cuyahoga Falls, Stow
Project Contacts:
Regarding Construction:
Sam Ross, PE
General Inquiries:
Aaron Engelhart
Plan Year:
03-11-2024 - 11-30-2024
Bid Due Date:
Mar 11, 2024
Construction Starts:
Jul 22, 2024
The Steels Corners Bridge over Mud Brook is Summit County's longest bridge, stretching over 1,000 feet. In order to keep the 15-span bridge in good working order, SCE is replacing the bridge expansion joints, overlay the bridge deck with concrete, replace approach guardrail, and miscellaneous other repairs.
Design is complete. This project was initially delayed due to funding concerns. SCE successfully applied for Local Major Bridge Program funds and received up to $1,000,000 towards construction costs. Environmental requirements are cleared and the project was bid on 03/11/2024. BECDIR Construction was awarded this contract. Construction is planned to start after July 15th, 2024, weather permitting.
- 05/21/2024: Working to set up preconstruction meeting with contractor.
- 06/20/2024: Pre-Construction between SCE and Contractor was held.
- 06/27/2024: BECDIR has placed advance notice signes for lane closure.
- 07/09/2024: Contractor has informed SCE that project start date has been moved to July 22,2024
- 07/22/2024: Construction has began on this project.
- 07/23/2024: Eastbound is closed. Milling pavement started
- 07/30/2024: Contractor is currently working on expansion joints. Additional signs were added to Wyoga lLake Rd and Steels Corner Rd regarding closure.
- 08/06/2024: Deck repairs are being completed along with continued work on expansion joints
- 08/13/2024: Contractor continues to work on expansion joints and deck patches
- 08/27/2024: Contactor is getting ready to start deck pours.
- 09/03/2024: Preparing deck overlay. Contractor will start pouring (weather permitting tomorrow 09/04)
- 09/17/2024: Westbound traffic has been moved to the eastbound lane today.
- 09/24/2024: Started deck and parapet repairs today. Repairs should be finished by next week.
- 10/01/2024: Repair have been completed. Will be pouring deck overlay before Oct 15th
- 10/15/2024: Overlay pour has been completed and preeping to set rebar.
- 10/22/2024: Contractor is preparing to apply concrete sealer where they can and are continuing to pour spans
- 10/29/2024: Overlays have been poured. Contractor has moved onto working on the expansion joints and sealing the parapets and deck.
- 11/14/2024: Currently most of the work on bridge deck is completed and contractor is working underneath bridge. Pavement markings still need put down.
- 11/19/2024: Contractor is working on pile encasements. Weather permiting project should be complete by end of November
- 11/27/2024: Road has been opened. Minor work still needing completed will be conducted by contractor with flaggers.
On Steels Corners Road near the State Route 8 interchange on the border of Stow and Cuyahoga Falls.

Maintenance of Traffic:
The project will be constructed part-width to maintain traffic westbound, at all times, on Steels Corners Road, and the eastbound traffic shall be detoured as shown in the attached map found in this project's photos. The cities of Cuyahoga Falls and Stow will adjust traffic signal timing as necessary. The project duration is estimated at 90 days, weather permitting. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained during this work.