Design : SWMD: Dorwick Ditch Improvements
Jul 3, 2023
Northfield Center
Design Consultant:
Burgess & Niple
Plan Year:
07-01-2023 - 12-01-2024
This project will construct a retention basin and bankfull wetland north of Marwyck Dr., construct bankfull wetland along channel south of Marwyck Dr, improve channel from north of Marwick to Highland Road, and improve channel between two new wetlands then continuing southerly to Highland Road. The proposed improvements will be designed to provide proper drainage, detention, stream bank stabilization, bank-full wetlands and other water quality improvements.
This project is in the design phase.
In Northfield Center Township benefitting Brandywine Creek and the Cuyahoga River Watershed.
- Dorwick Improvements (PDF, 3310.9k)
- Dorwick Watershed Area (PDF, 3717.8k)
- Drainage Study and Improvements Dorwick Dr. and Marwyck Dr. (PDF, 72312.7k)