Grants For Cities & Townships
With the adoption of Resolution 2017-542, County Council approved an additional annual license tax in the amount of five dollars. Commencing in calendar year 2019, an amount of not less than $250,000 of the proceeds of the additional annual license tax shall be dedicated to fund projects that promote economic development. Eligible projects must be road and/or bridge construction or improvement projects that create additional jobs or retain existing jobs in Summit County; are nominated by a city, village or township within Summit County; and meet the purposes authorized by Section 4504.24(A)(2) of the Ohio Revised Code. Priority will be given to projects that are receiving other forms of state or federal funding, including, but not limited to Transportation Improvement District funding, Local Transportation Improvement Program funding, State Capital Improvement Program funding, Ohio Public Works funding or other Ohio Department of Transportation funding. Resolution 2017-542 authorized the County Executive and the County Engineer to develop the program policy and procedures contained herein.
Project applications shall be submitted to the County Engineer. Applications will be reviewed and scored for inclusion in the County’s upcoming Capital Budget. Grants are awarded for infrastructure construction costs on roadways designated on the current map of county purpose highways (ORC 4504.03). All requests are subject to approval by County Council and the Executive. All funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis and can only be used for local expenses related to the approved project in proportion to the original budget submitted in the application.
Project awards through this program will be up to a maximum of $250,000 per project application.
Applications are due in the Office of the County Engineer prior to June 1 of each year for funding in the following calendar year. All applications will be reviewed by representatives of the Engineer’s office and the Executive’s office.
Projects will be reviewed using the following criteria and other relevant criteria as determined by the review committee:
- Promotes immediate job creation at new or existing commercial enterprises
- Provides new or improved access for existing commercial enterprises that supports job retention
- Resolves an existing transportation problem impacting economic activity
- Percentage of secured project funds
- 75% or more secured from State and/or Federal sources and confirmation is provided
- At least 50% secured from State and/or Federal sources and confirmation is provided
- At least 25% secured from State and/or Federal sources and confirmation is provided
- Less than 25% secured from State and/or Federal sources or confirmation cannot be provided
Applicants will be notified of proposed funding decisions prior to September 30 of each year.
Final approved projects will be submitted to County Council for appropriation and/or inclusion in the subsequent Capital Improvement Plan.
Funds will be encumbered upon approval by County Council and the Executive in the name of the city, village or township applying for funding.
Reimbursement requests for the County’s proportional share of project costs up to the amount encumbered for the original grant will be processed by the County Engineer pending receipt of the following documentation.
- A reimbursement request delineating funding sources and proportional responsibilities.
- Proof of payment by the city, village or township for project related expenses.
- Contractor invoices or similar documentation supporting the local expenditure.
Payment will be processed to the local jurisdiction per current county procedures up to the amount encumbered for the project.
- Summit County Community Partnership Program Grant Request Form (Word Document, 34.0k)
- Summit County Community Partnership Reimbursement Request Form (Excel Worksheet , 39.0k)