The County Engineer serves as the Engineer for all of Summit County’s townships. Each township is assigned a dedicated County Engineer’s Office employee who attends township meetings and is available to address any questions or concerns. This direct communication helps ensure the Engineer’s Office stays informed about infrastructure issues in each township.
Townships in need of engineering services can submit a "Township Request for Engineering Form" below, please review the Township Services Policy before doing so.
Additionally, townships, villages, and cities within the Surface Water Management District can submit a "Drainage Concern Form" online at the link below.
The Summit County Engineer's Office, in partnership with the Summit County Executive's Office, has established a local grant program to assist communities in funding road projects that support economic development in the region.
Additionally, the County manages the distribution of permissive license fee allocations for cities and villages. The Permissive License Fee Allocation Form is available below.
Regional Pavement Maintenance Program
In 2011, the Summit County Engineer’s Office expanded its bid process to include all communities in Summit County. This collaborative approach leverages collective purchasing power, reducing per-unit costs for pavement maintenance while allowing municipalities to retain local control over their projects.
Administered by the Summit County Engineer’s Office, this county-wide program helps communities save both money and staff time. The regional road programs cover a range of services, with separate contracts for hot mix resurfacing, 405 motor paving, 422 chip and seal, asphalt rejuvenation, crack sealing, guardrail replacement, culvert replacement, concrete road repair, and catch basin repair.
For more information, contact the Construction Section Manager at 330-643-8559.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Holder and Coordinator
The Summit County Engineer’s Office serves as the administrator and coordinator for all townships, one city, and one village under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The Ohio EPA requires each community to hold a permit regulating illicit discharge and stormwater management practices. To streamline compliance, the County holds the permit, with each participating community designated as a "co-permittee."
To meet Ohio EPA requirements for the NPDES permit, the expanded Surface Water Management District was established.
For more information, see the link below. For questions about the NPDES permit or the MS4 Countywide Storm Water Management Plan, call 330-643-8733.
- NPDES Storm Water Permit Updated 2021 (PDF, 3882.7k)
- Surface Water Management District (Page)
- Surface Water Management Advisory Commitee (Page)