SWMD Communities Projects Map 2025

Surface Water Management Advisory Commitee

The Summit County Surface Water Management District (the District) is a stormwater improvement program that functions as a utility. The District was established to manage and improve storm water facilities and storm water discharges, to protect surface and groundwater quality, reduce property damage due to excess storm water discharge, and to meet the requirements of the Federal Clean Water Act as regulated by the Ohio EPA, including a Stormwater Management Program for small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4).

The Surface Water Management District Advisory Committee will guide the District’s activities to address citizens’ needs and meet state and federal mandated stormwater requirements. The committee will meet at least semi-annually to review the projects and plans of the District, and to make recommendations about future projects to meet the District’s objectives in each community. Other duties may include promoting public awareness of the progress and activities of the District, and to facilitate organization of a local group for their community.

The advisory committee will consist of one appointed representative from each member community, the County Executive (or designee), and the President of County Council (or designee). Committee members are expected to attend each committee meeting.

SWMDAC Committee Representation

COUNTY EXECUTIVE (or designee): Mike Vinay, Director of Sanitary Sewer Services
PRESIDENT OF COUNTY COUNCIL (or designee): Rita Darrow, Council President


Bill Funk, Bath Township
Amy Anderson, Boston Township
Jim Schulte, Copley Township
Jeff Houck, Coventry Township
Tracy Sayers, Village of Lakemore
Gene Lim, Northfield Center Twp
Becki Kovach, City of Reminderville
Don Laubacher, Richfield Township
Paul Schweikert, Sagamore Hills Township
Jeremy Caudill, Springfield Township
Robert Kagler, Twinsburg Township

COUNTY ENGINEER: ALAN BRUBAKER, P.E., P.S. and the Summit County Engineer's Office are not a member of the Advisory Committee but facilitate the meetings and administer the SWMD program.

SWMDAC Meeting Summaries

Below, is a list of attachments that contain Meeting Info Packets and Discussion/Question Notes.

SWMDAC Presentations

Below, is a list of presentation(s) that were given at meetings. 

Contact Us

Share your thoughts with us by using our "Contact Us" page, by emailing SWMD@summitengineer.net, or by calling 330-643-8010.